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Cлово "ALONE"

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1. Village of the Tsar Statue
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2. Михайлова Галина: "Миф о поэте" Анны Ахматовой в западноевропейском литературном контексте: интертекстуальный анализ
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3. * * * (To lose the freshness of the words and sense, for us)
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4. To my dear one
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5. July 1914
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6. * * * (The muse has left along narrow)
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7. * * * (All promised him to me)
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8. * * * (It seems as though the voice of man)
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1. Village of the Tsar Statue
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Часть текста: Upon the swan pond maple leaves Are gathered already, you see, And bloodied are the branches dark Of slowly blooming quicken-tree. Blindingly elegant is she, Crossing her legs that don't feel cold Upon the northern stone sits she And calmly looks upon the road. I felt the gloomy, dusky fear Before this woman of delight As on her shoulders played alone The rays of miserable light. And how could I forgive her yet Your shining praise by love deluded Look, she is happily in sorrow, And in such elegance denuded.
2. Михайлова Галина: "Миф о поэте" Анны Ахматовой в западноевропейском литературном контексте: интертекстуальный анализ
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Часть текста: дуба, Вековой собеседник луны. Не обманут притворные стоны, Ты железные пишешь законы, Хаммураби, ликурги, солоны У тебя поучиться должны. Существо это странного нрава. Он не ждет, чтоб подагра и слава Впопыхах усадили его В юбилейные пышные кресла, А несет по цветущему вереску, По пустыням свое торжество. И ни в чем не повинен: ни в этом, Ни в другом и ни в третьем... Поэтам Вообще не пристали грехи. Проплясать пред Ковчегом Завета Или сгинуть!.. Да что там! Про это Лучше их рассказали стихи3 Текст семантически многомерен, не раз подвергался интерпретациям, и дальнейшие суждения не претендуют на исчерпывающее (если таковое вообще возможно) его истолкование. Я предлагаю обратиться к "западным корням" отрывка, а именно к поэзии (и отчасти к прозе) англичанина Роберта Браунинга и француза Теофиля Готье. Обозначим метаописание анализируемого текста цифрой I и нечто из его "генетического досье" - строфу, не вошедшую в поэму, - цифрой II. I. "Работа над ней (поэмой. - Г. М.) ... напоминала проявление пластинки. Там уже все были. Демон всегда был Блоком, Верстовой Столб4 - Поэтом вообще, Поэтом с большой буквы (чем-то вроде Маяковского)..."5. II. "Не кружился в Европах бальных, / Рисовал оленей наскальных, / Гильгамеш ты, Геракл, Гесер - / Не поэт, а миф о поэте, / Взрослым был ты уже на рассвете / Отдаленнейших стран и вер"6. Процитированное - свидетельство авторской воли: Ахматова создала некий обобщенный образ Поэта. Исходя из этого и в соответствии с указанным выше способом конструирования текста ("криптограмматическое" письмо), естественно предположить, что в смысловом пространстве созданной Ахматовой мифологемы поэта "закодирован" не один поэт. Сама Ахматова указала на Маяковского, исследователи обнаружили "следы" царя Давида, пастуха и поэта7, и Гумилева8. Указывая литераторам, переводчикам, читателям на источники поэмы, Ахматова...
3. * * * (To lose the freshness of the words and sense, for us)
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Часть текста: To lose the freshness of the words and sense, for us, Is it same as for an artist to lose vision, Or for an actor - voice and motion, Or for a gorgeous woman - her finesse? But do not seek now for yourself to keep What heaven has given to you below: We have been judged - and we ourselves both know - To give away, and not to keep. Or else alone you go to heal the blind, To know yourself in heavy hour of doubt The students' smug shaudenfreude And the uncaring of mankind.
4. To my dear one
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Часть текста: Do not send a dove in my direction, Do not write tumultuous notes at all, Do not fan my face with the March breeze. I have now entered a green heaven, Where there's calm for body and for soul Underneath the shady maple trees. And from here I can see a town, Booths and barracks of a palace made of stone Chinese yellow bridge over the ice. For three hours now you wait for me - you're frozen, But you cannot move from the perron, At the stars you marvel with your eyes. Like a gray squirrel you'll jump on the alder, Like a frightful swallow I will go, I will then call for you like a swan, So that the bridegroom would not fear In the blue and swirling falling snow To await his deceased bride alone.
5. July 1914
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Часть текста: I Smells like burning. For four weeks now The dry ground on the swamplands bakes. Today even birds did not sing songs And the aspen-tree does not shake. Sun has stopped in divine displeasure Easter rain did not pelt fields hard. A one-legged passerby came here And alone said in the yard: "Awful times near. For freshly dug graves There will be not be enough place soon. Expect pest, expect plague, expect coward, And eclipses of Sun and Moon. But the enemy won't get to divide Our lands for his fun: Holy Mary will spread on her own Over great sorrows a white gown" II From the burning forests is flying Sweet smell of the evergreens. Over children soldiers' wives are moaning Cry of widows through village rings. Not in vain were the prayers rendered, The earth was thirsty for rain: The stomped-over fields with red dampness Were covered and covered remain. Low, low is the empty heaven, And quiet is the praying one's voice: "They will wound your most holy body And cast dice about your acts of choice."
6. * * * (The muse has left along narrow)
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Часть текста: The muse has left along narrow And winding street, And with large drops of dew Were sprinkled her feet. For long did I ask of her To wait for winter with me, But she said, "The grave is here, How can you breathe, you see?" I wanted to give her a dove That is whiter than all the rest But the bird herself flew above After my graceful guest. Looking at her I was silent, I loved her alone And like gates into her country In the sky stood the dawn.
7. * * * (All promised him to me)
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Часть текста: All promised him to me: The heaven's edge, dark and kind, And lovely Christmas sleep And multi-ringing Easter wind, And the red branches of a twig, And waterfalls inside a park, And two dragonflies On rusty iron of a bulwark. And I could not disbelieve, That he'll befriend me all alone When on the mountain slopes I went Along hot pathway made of stone.
8. * * * (It seems as though the voice of man)
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Часть текста: It seems as though the voice of man Will never sound in this place, But only wind from age of stone Is knocking on black gates. It seems to me that I alone Have kept good health under this sky, Because of this, that first I sought To drink the deadly wine.