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Cлово "BEHIND"

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1. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
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2. * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender)
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3. Нива Жорж: Барочная поэма
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4. * * * (In the sleep to me is given)
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5. * * * (From memory of you I will remove that day)
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1. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
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Часть текста: Divine angel, who betrothed us Secretly on winter morn, From our sadness-free existence Does not take his darkened eyes. For this reason we love sky, And fresh wind, and air so thin, And the dark tree branches Behind fence of iron. For this reason we love the strict, Many-watered, and dark city, And we love the parting, And brief meetings' hour.
2. * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender)
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Часть текста: He was jealous, fearful and tender, He loved me like God's only light, And that she not sing of the past times He killed my bird colored white. He said, in the lighthouse at sundown: "Love me, laugh and write poetry!" And I buried the joyous songbird Behind a round well near a tree. I promised that I would not mourn her. But my heart turned to stone without choice, And it seems to me that everywhere And always I'll hear her sweet voice.
3. Нива Жорж: Барочная поэма
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Часть текста: Коломбина десятых годов, Козлоногая (та, у порога которой совершает самоубийство "глупый мальчик", не-герой); знаменитая балерина, "наш лебедь непостижимый". Весь 1913 год, который поэт магическим и поэтическим заклинанием вызывает обратно к жизни, показан как балет, эфемерный спектакль, карнавал. Не только призраки, но и призраки в масках и в "застывшем навек хороводе"2. Нас должен особенно интересовать тот факт, что поэт не только в течение двадцати лет менял текст поэмы, оснащая ее сложной системой цитат, но и видел ее как "трагический балет". Сложная структура текста, сложный аккомпанемент цитат, эта вечная незавершенность текста, его безостановочно меняющиеся контуры наводят на мысль, что "Поэма без героя" по своей сути - барочное произведение. Барочное, искусство и барочная эпоха - это, прежде всего, первенство зрелищных искусств, и среди зрелищных искусств - первенство балета как самого полного, эфемерного и божественного из искусств. Театр в театре, подчеркивание театральности и театра в самой жизни, спектакль смерти как самой таинственной и потрясающей сцены на этой сцене - вот...
4. * * * (In the sleep to me is given)
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Часть текста: In the sleep to me is given Our last eden of stars up high City of clean water towers, Golden Bakchisarai There behind a colored fencing By the pensive water stalled Village of the Tsar's gardens With rejoicing we recalled. And the eagles of Catherine Suddenly recognized - it's that! He had flown to valley bottom From the ornate bronze-clad gate. That the song of parting heartache In the memory longer lives, The dark-bodied mother autumn Brought to me the redding leaves And she sprinkled on her soles Where we parted in the sun And from where for land of shadows You had left, my soothing one.
5. * * * (From memory of you I will remove that day)
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Часть текста: From memory of you I will remove that day, So that your helpless-foggy look will ask this: Where did I see the Persian lilac bush, The swallows and the wooden house? Oh, how often will you recollect The sudden angst of the uncalled desires And in the pensive cities you did seek That street which was not on the map entire! Upon the sound of voice behind an open door, Upon the sight of every accidental letter, You will remember: "Here has she herself Come to assist my disbelief unfettered."