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1. * * * (With pride your spirit is darkened)
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2. * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare)
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3. * * * (I see capital through the flurry)
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4. White Flock
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5. Стихотворения
Входимость: 1. Размер: 44кб.
6. * * * (When with a strong but tired hand)
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1. * * * (With pride your spirit is darkened)
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Часть текста: With pride your spirit is darkened For this you won't know world at all. You say that this faith is a dream And mirage is this capital. You say that my country is sinful, Your country is godless, I scream. May the guilt still lie upon us - We can correct and redeem. Around you are water and flowers Why seek a beggar and sinner, my dear? I know that you're sick very badly: You seek death and the end you fear.
2. * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare)
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Часть текста: How I love, how I loved to stare At the ironclad shores, On the balcony, where forever No foot stepped, not mine, not yours. And in truth you are - a capital For the mad and luminous us; But when over Nieva sail Those special, pure hours And the winds of May fly over You past the iron beams You are like a dying sinner Seeing heavenly dreams
3. * * * (I see capital through the flurry)
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Часть текста: I see capital through the flurry On this Monday night twenty-first. Some do-nothing has made up the story That love exists on the earth. And from laziness or from boredom All believed, and thus they live: Wait for meeting, fear the parting, And sing songs of love. But to others opens a secret And upon them descends a still.. I by accident came upon this And since then am as if I'm ill.
4. White Flock
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Часть текста: July 1914 May Snow Parting Prayer Sleep Song about Song To my dear one Unification Village of the Tsar Statue White House * * * (Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house) * * * (All has been taken: strength as well as love) * * * (All promised him to me) * * * (All year long you are close to me) * * * (Ancient city is as if dead) * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days) * * * (Best for me loudly the gaming-poems to say) * * * (Black road wove ahead of me) * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see) * * * (City vanished, the last house's window) * * * (Did for this, and for this only) * * * (Did not scold me, did not praise me) * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us) * * * (Every evening I receive) * * * (From memory of you I will remove that day) * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers) * * * (Has my fate really been so altered) * * * (He walked over fields and over village) * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender) * * * (How can you look at Nieva) * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare) * * * (How often did I curse) * * * (How spacious are these squares) * * * (I came over to the pine...
5. Стихотворения
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Часть текста: Надпись на книге Надпись на неоконченном портрете Надпись на портрете Нас четверо (Комаровские наброски) Наследница Наяву Новогодняя баллада Ночью О. Мандельштаму Обман Он любил Освобожденная Ответ (Какие странные слова) Отрывок Отрывок из поэмы (В то время я гостила на земле) Памяти 19 июля 1914 Памяти Александра Блока Памяти Анты Памяти Бориса Пильняка Памяти друга Памяти М.А. Булгакова Памяти М.М.З. Памяти Н.В.Н. Памяти Н.П. Первое возвращение Первый дальнобойный в Ленинграде Песенка (Таинственной невстречи) Песенка (Я на солнечном восходе) Песня о песне Песня последней встречи Побег Победителям Подвал памяти Подмосковное Подражание И.Ф.Анненскому Портрет автора в молодости Последнее возвращение Последнее стихотворение Последний тост Последняя песенка Последняя роза Похороны Почти в альбом Поэма без героя Предыстория Приморский сонет Причитание (Господеви поклонитеся) Причитание (Ленинградскую беду) Про стихи Нарбута Прогулка Путем всея земли Пушкин Разлука (Вечерний и наклонный) Разлука (Вот и берег северного моря) Распятие Реквием Родная земля Рыбак Сад Сероглазый король Смерть Софокла Смятение Современница Согражданам Сожженная тетрадь Сон (Был вещим этот сон или не вещим) Сон (Я знала, я снюсь тебе) Сонет Сонет-эпилог (Не пугайся, - я еще похожей) Стансы (Стрелецкая луна. Замоскворечье... Ночь) Статуя "Ночь" в Летнем саду Стихи о Петербурге Творчество Третий Зачатьевский Три осени У самого моря Уединение Утешение Учитель (памяти Иннокентия Анненского) Хозяйка Художнику...
6. * * * (When with a strong but tired hand)
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Часть текста: When with a strong but tired hand In dreary capital of nation Upon the whiteness of the page I did record my recantations, And wind into the window round Poured in a wet and silent stream The sky was burning, burning bright With smoky dawn, it so did seem. I did not look at the Nieva, The dawn-drenched granite did not view, And it appeared that that I, awake, my Unforgettable, saw you.. But then the unexpected night Covered the before-autumn town, That, so as to assist my flight, The ashen shadows melted down. I only took with me the cross, That you had given on day of treason That wormwood steppe should be in bloom And winds, like sirens, sing in season. And here upon an empty wall He keeps me from the broodings dour And I don't fear to recall Anything - even the final hour.