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1. Стихотворения
Входимость: 2. Размер: 44кб.
2. White Flock
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
3. * * * (The spring was still mysteriously swooning)
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4. * * * (Whether to look for you on earth)
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5. * * * (Every evening I receive)
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6. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
7. * * * (We aren't in the forest, there is no need for calling)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
8. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
9. * * * (I was born not late and not early)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
10. Escape
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
11. Parting
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
12. * * * (I remember you only rarely)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
13. * * * (Wide and yellow's evening light)
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1. Стихотворения
Входимость: 2. Размер: 44кб.
Часть текста: Голос памяти Гости Гость Данте Два отрывка из сказки "О черном кольце" Двустишие (От других мне хвала - что зола) Дорожная песенка Другая песенка Заклинание Заре Застольная песенка Ива Из книги бытия Из поэмы "1913 год" Измена Имя Исповедь Июль 1914 К смерти К стихам Кавказское Клеопатра Колыбельная Конец Демона Кукушка Ленинград в марте 1941 Ленинградские элегии. Пятая Ленинградские элегии. Четвертая Летний сад Лишняя песенка Любовная песенка Любовь Майский снег Мартовская элегия Маскарад в парке Мелхола Милому Моему городу Молитва Мужество Муза Музе Музыка На Смоленском Над водой Надпись на книге Надпись на неоконченном портрете Надпись на портрете Нас четверо (Комаровские наброски) Наследница Наяву Новогодняя баллада Ночью О. Мандельштаму Обман Он любил Освобожденная Ответ (Какие странные слова) Отрывок Отрывок из поэмы (В то время я гостила на земле) Памяти 19 июля 1914 Памяти Александра Блока Памяти Анты Памяти Бориса Пильняка Памяти друга Памяти М.А. Булгакова Памяти М.М.З. Памяти Н.В.Н. Памяти Н.П. Первое возвращение Первый дальнобойный в Ленинграде Песенка (Таинственной невстречи) Песенка (Я на солнечном восходе) Песня о песне Песня последней...
2. White Flock
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
Часть текста: day) * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers) * * * (Has my fate really been so altered) * * * (He walked over fields and over village) * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender) * * * (How can you look at Nieva) * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare) * * * (How often did I curse) * * * (How spacious are these squares) * * * (I came over to the pine forest) * * * (I do not count mortal days) * * * (I dream less of him, dear God be gloried) * * * (I have ceased and desisted from smiling) * * * (I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk) * * * (I know, that you are my reward) * * * (I myself have freely chosen) * * * (I remember you only rarely) * * * (I see capital through the flurry) * * * (I was born not late and not early) * * * (I will lead a man to dear one) * * * (I will quietly in the churchyard) * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven) * * * (In boat or in horsecart) * * * (In intimacy there exists a line) * * * (In Kievan temple of the divine wisdom) * * * (In the sleep to me is given) * * * (Instead of wisdom - experience, bare) * * * (It seems as though the voice of man) * * * (Just like a cold noreaster) * * * (Like a white stone at the bottom of the well) * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful) * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker) * * * (No, my prince, I am not the one) * * * (Not mystery and not sadness) * * * (Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked) * * * (Oh, there are unrepeated words) * * * (Oh, this was a cold day) * * * (On the blooming lilac bushes) * * * (She came up. I did not show my worry) * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation) * * * (That voice, with great quietude arguing) * * * (The blue lacquer dims of heaven) * * * (The early chills are most pleasant to me) * * * (The fifth time of the year) * * * (The first ray - as ...
3. * * * (The spring was still mysteriously swooning)
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Часть текста: The spring was still mysteriously swooning, Across the hills wandered transparent wind And the deep lake was growing blue among us - A temple forged and kept not by mankind. You were affrighted of our first encounter, And prayed already for the second one, And now today once more is the hot evening - How low over the mountain dropped the sun.. You aren't with me, but this is not a parting: For me triumphant news is in each moment. I know that you can't even pronounce a word For so complete within you is the torment.
4. * * * (Whether to look for you on earth)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Whether to look for you on earth - I don't know if you're dead or you live - Or about you in the evening I should for you, departed, grieve. All is for you: and the daily prayer And the sleeplessness' swooning flame And the white flock of my poems And my eyes' blue violent flame. No one was dearer to me, no one, No one left me this bereft, Not even he who betrayed me to torment, Not even he who caressed, then left.
5. * * * (Every evening I receive)
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Часть текста: Every evening I receive A letter like a bride To my friend I give Response late at night. "I'll be guest of the white death On my journey down. You, my tender one, don't do Harm to anyone." And there stands a giant star Between two wood beams, With such calmness promising To fulfil your dreams.
6. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Somewhere is light and happy, in elation, Transparent, warm and simple life there is. A man across the fence has conversation With girl before the evening, and the bees Hear only the tenderest of conversation. And we are living pompously and hard And follow bitter rituals like sun When, flight past us, the unreasoned wind Interrupts speech that's barely begun. But not for anything will we change the pompous Granite city of glory, pain and lies, The glistening wide rivers' ice Sunless and murky gardens, and the voice, Though barely audible, of the Muse.
7. * * * (We aren't in the forest, there is no need for calling)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: We aren't in the forest, there is no need for calling - You know your jokes do not shine.. Why don't you come to lull into quiet This wounded conscience of mine? You possess other worries You have another wife And, looking into my dry eyes, St. Petersburg spring has arrived. With harsh cough and with evening fever She will punish and she will kill. Under the smoke on the river Nieva's ice is no longer still.
8. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: He walked over fields and over village, And asked people from afar: "Where is she, where is the happy glimmer Of her eyes that are gray stars? Here the final days of spring Come along, in turbid fire. Still more frequent, still more tender Are the dreams I have of her." And he came in the dark city In the quiet evening time He was thinking then of Venice And of London all the same. At the church both tall and dark Stepped on shining stairs' granite And he prayed then of the coming Meeting with his first delight. And above the altar made of gold Flamed away the garden of God's rays: "Here she is, here is the happy glimmer Of gray joyous stars that are her eyes."
9. * * * (I was born not late and not early)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: I was born not late and not early, This time is blessed and meet, Only God did not allow a heart To live long without deceit. And from this it is dark in the light room, And from this do the friends I've sought, Like the sorrowful birds of evening, Sing of love that was not.
10. Escape
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
Часть текста: "My dear, if we could only Reach all the way to the seas" "Be quiet" and descended the stairs Losing breath and looking for keys. Past the buildings, where sometime We danced and had fun and drank wine Past the white columns of Senate Where it's dark, dark again. "What are you doing, you madman!" "No, I am only in love with thee! This evening is wide and noisy, Ship will have lots of fun at the sea!" Horror tightly clutches the throat, Shuttle took us at dusk on our turn.. The tough smell of ocean tightrope Inside trembling nostrils did burn. "Say, you most probably know: I don't sleep? Thus in sleep it can be" Only oars splashed in measured manner Over Nieva's waves heavy. And the black sky began to get lighter, Someone called from the bridge to us, As with both hands I was clutching On my chest the rim of the cross. On your arms, as I lost all my power, Like a little girl you carried me, That on deck of a yacht alabaster Incorruptible day's light we'd meet.