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Cлово "FEAR"

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
1. To my dear one
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2. White House
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3. Song about Song
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4. Village of the Tsar Statue
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5. * * * (Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked)
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6. * * * (When with a strong but tired hand)
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7. * * * (With pride your spirit is darkened)
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8. * * * (All has been taken: strength as well as love)
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9. Венцлова Томас: Воспоминания об Анне Ахматовой
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10. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
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11. * * * (I see capital through the flurry)
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1. To my dear one
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Часть текста: Do not send a dove in my direction, Do not write tumultuous notes at all, Do not fan my face with the March breeze. I have now entered a green heaven, Where there's calm for body and for soul Underneath the shady maple trees. And from here I can see a town, Booths and barracks of a palace made of stone Chinese yellow bridge over the ice. For three hours now you wait for me - you're frozen, But you cannot move from the perron, At the stars you marvel with your eyes. Like a gray squirrel you'll jump on the alder, Like a frightful swallow I will go, I will then call for you like a swan, So that the bridegroom would not fear In the blue and swirling falling snow To await his deceased bride alone.
2. White House
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Часть текста: Sun is frosty. In parade Soldiers march with all their might. I am glad at the January noon, And my fear is very light. Here they remember each branch And every silhouette. The raspberry light is dripping Through a snow-whitened net. Almost white was the house, Made of glass was the wing. How many times with numb arm Did I hold the doorbell's ring. How many times.. play, soldiers, I'll make my house, I'll espy You from a roof that's inclined, From the ivy that does not die. But who at last did remove it, Took away into foreign lands Or took out from the memory Forever the road thence.. Snow flies, like a cherry blossom, Distant bagpipes desist.. And, it seems like, nobody knows That the white house does not exist.
3. Song about Song
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Часть текста: So many stones have been thrown at me That I don't fear them any longer Like elegant tower the westerner stands free Among tall towers, the taller. I'm grateful to their builders - so be gone Their sadness and their worry, go away, Early from here I can see the dawn And here triumphant lives the sun's last ray. And frequently into my room's window The winds from northern seas begin to blow And pigeon from my palms eats wheat.. The pages that I did not complete Divinely light she is and calm, Will finish Muse's suntanned arm.
4. Village of the Tsar Statue
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Часть текста: Upon the swan pond maple leaves Are gathered already, you see, And bloodied are the branches dark Of slowly blooming quicken-tree. Blindingly elegant is she, Crossing her legs that don't feel cold Upon the northern stone sits she And calmly looks upon the road. I felt the gloomy, dusky fear Before this woman of delight As on her shoulders played alone The rays of miserable light. And how could I forgive her yet Your shining praise by love deluded Look, she is happily in sorrow, And in such elegance denuded.
5. * * * (Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked)
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Часть текста: Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked, I look with worry on the chambers dark? Already used to ringing high and raw, Already judged not by the earthly law, I, like a criminal, am being drawn along To place of shame and execution long. I see the glorious city, and the voice most dear, As though there is no secret grave to fear, Where day and night, in heat and in cold bent, I must await the Final Judgment.
6. * * * (When with a strong but tired hand)
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Часть текста: When with a strong but tired hand In dreary capital of nation Upon the whiteness of the page I did record my recantations, And wind into the window round Poured in a wet and silent stream The sky was burning, burning bright With smoky dawn, it so did seem. I did not look at the Nieva, The dawn-drenched granite did not view, And it appeared that that I, awake, my Unforgettable, saw you.. But then the unexpected night Covered the before-autumn town, That, so as to assist my flight, The ashen shadows melted down. I only took with me the cross, That you had given on day of treason That wormwood steppe should be in bloom And winds, like sirens, sing in season. And here upon an empty wall He keeps me from the broodings dour And I don't fear to recall Anything - even the final hour.
7. * * * (With pride your spirit is darkened)
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Часть текста: With pride your spirit is darkened For this you won't know world at all. You say that this faith is a dream And mirage is this capital. You say that my country is sinful, Your country is godless, I scream. May the guilt still lie upon us - We can correct and redeem. Around you are water and flowers Why seek a beggar and sinner, my dear? I know that you're sick very badly: You seek death and the end you fear.
8. * * * (All has been taken: strength as well as love)
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Часть текста: All has been taken: strength as well as love. Into the unloved town the corpse is thrown. It does not love the sun. I fear, that blood Inside of me already cold has grown. I do not recognize sweet Muse's loving taste: She looks ahead and does not let a word pass, And bows a head in the dark garland dressed Onto my chest, exhausted from the haste. And only conscience, scarier with each day, Wants a great ransom and for this abuses. Closing the face, I answer her this way.. But there remain no tears and no excuses.
9. Венцлова Томас: Воспоминания об Анне Ахматовой
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Часть текста: означает "Бог сохраняет все". Думаю, мы должны в меру сил подражать Господу и сохранять хотя бы то, что касается великих людей. Моя память сохранила лишь мелочи из встреч и разговоров с Анной Андреевной Ахматовой, часто такие, которые уже известны из других источников. К тому же немногочисленные мелочи, так как я видел Анну Андреевну лишь десять-пятнадцать раз. При этом придется говорить и о себе самом, и я боюсь, что это может превратиться в распространенный в последнее время жанр "я и Ахматова" - жанр, которого надлежит избегать. Но все-таки попробую. Начать следует с того, что мой отец был популярным и плодовитым советским - причем именно советским - писателем1. Эта ситуация имела многочисленные минусы, но все же и некоторые плюсы. Прежде всего, у него была неплохая библиотека, собранная в довоенной Литве и отчасти в Москве военных лет. Другие люди в Литве такие библиотеки уничтожали, спася стою свободу и жизнь. Отец считал, что может себе позволить ее не уничтожать. Не исключено, что он ошибался - могло и с ним случиться все что угодно, хотя и не случилось. В школе нам преподавали русскую литературу наряду с литовской. И вот когда мы дошли до двадцатого века (а времена еще были самые малоприятные), у нас оказался неплохой учитель, ныне живущий в Израиле, - Михаил Шнейдер (или Шнейдерис), которого я вспоминаю с любовью. Он должен был преподавать четырех авторов в течение года: Горького, Маяковского, Шолохова и Фадеева. Но он, в общем, очень быстро отделался от Горького, Шолохова и Фадеева и целый год читал Маяковского, причем почти исключительно раннего. Известно, что Ахматова сказала как-то о Маяковском: это был великий трагический поэт, которого убили, как и всех остальных, только несколько иным способом2. И учитель дал нам это понять и почувствовать. Я Маяковского тогда полюбил - собственно говоря, я и сейчас к нему хорошо отношусь. Не ко всему, но ко многому в нем. Еще в школе я...
10. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
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Часть текста: How spacious are these squares, How resonant bridges and stark! Heavy, peaceful, and starless Is the covering of the dark. And we walk on the fresh snow As if we were mortal people. That we are together this hour Unseparable - is it not a miracle? The knees go unwittingly weaker It seems there's no air - so long! You are my life's only blessing, You are the sun of my song. Now the dark buildings are stirring And I'll fall on earth as they shake - Inside of my village garden I do not fear to awake.