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1. Стихотворения
Входимость: 2. Размер: 44кб.
2. White Flock
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
3. * * * (I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
4. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
5. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
6. May Snow
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
7. * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
8. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Стихотворения
Входимость: 2. Размер: 44кб.
Часть текста: Ива Из книги бытия Из поэмы "1913 год" Измена Имя Исповедь Июль 1914 К смерти К стихам Кавказское Клеопатра Колыбельная Конец Демона Кукушка Ленинград в марте 1941 Ленинградские элегии. Пятая Ленинградские элегии. Четвертая Летний сад Лишняя песенка Любовная песенка Любовь Майский снег Мартовская элегия Маскарад в парке Мелхола Милому Моему городу Молитва Мужество Муза Музе Музыка На Смоленском Над водой Надпись на книге Надпись на неоконченном портрете Надпись на портрете Нас четверо (Комаровские наброски) Наследница Наяву Новогодняя баллада Ночью О. Мандельштаму Обман Он любил Освобожденная Ответ (Какие странные слова) Отрывок Отрывок из поэмы (В то время я гостила на земле) Памяти 19 июля 1914 Памяти Александра Блока Памяти Анты Памяти Бориса Пильняка Памяти друга Памяти М.А. Булгакова Памяти М.М.З. Памяти Н.В.Н. Памяти Н.П. Первое возвращение Первый дальнобойный в Ленинграде Песенка (Таинственной невстречи) Песенка (Я на солнечном восходе) Песня о песне Песня последней встречи Побег Победителям Подвал памяти Подмосковное Подражание И.Ф.Анненскому Портрет автора в молодости Последнее возвращение Последнее стихотворение Последний тост Последняя песенка Последняя роза Похороны Почти в альбом Поэма без героя Предыстория Приморский сонет Причитание (Господеви поклонитеся) Причитание (Ленинградскую беду) Про стихи...
2. White Flock
Входимость: 2. Размер: 10кб.
Часть текста: * (Black road wove ahead of me) * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see) * * * (City vanished, the last house's window) * * * (Did for this, and for this only) * * * (Did not scold me, did not praise me) * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us) * * * (Every evening I receive) * * * (From memory of you I will remove that day) * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers) * * * (Has my fate really been so altered) * * * (He walked over fields and over village) * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender) * * * (How can you look at Nieva) * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare) * * * (How often did I curse) * * * (How spacious are these squares) * * * (I came over to the pine forest) * * * (I do not count mortal days) * * * (I dream less of him, dear God be gloried) * * * (I have ceased and desisted from smiling) * * * (I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk) * * * (I know, that you are my reward) * * * (I myself have freely chosen) * * * (I remember you only rarely) * * * (I see capital through the flurry) * * * (I was born not late and not early) * * * (I will lead a man to dear one) * * * (I will quietly in the churchyard) * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven) * * * (In boat or in horsecart) * * * (In intimacy there exists a line) * * * (In Kievan temple of the divine wisdom) * * * (In the sleep to me is given) * * * (Instead of wisdom - experience, bare) * * * (It seems as though the voice of man) * * * (Just like a cold noreaster) * * * (Like a white stone at the bottom of the well) * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful) * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker) * * * (No, my prince, I am not the one) * * * (Not mystery and not sadness) * * * (Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked) * * * (Oh, there are unrepeated words) * * * (Oh, this was a cold day) * * * (On...
3. * * * (I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk, Meadow circular, water dead, With most heavy and most shady, All of this I will never forget. In the cast-iron gates you will enter, Blissful tremor the flesh does rile, You don't live, but you're screaming and ranting Or you live in another style. In late autumn fresh and biting Wanders wind, for its loneliness glad. In white gowns dressed the black fir trees On the molten snow stand. And, filled up with a burning fever, Dear voice sounds like song without word, And on copper shoulder of Cytharus Sits the red-chested bird.
4. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Divine angel, who betrothed us Secretly on winter morn, From our sadness-free existence Does not take his darkened eyes. For this reason we love sky, And fresh wind, and air so thin, And the dark tree branches Behind fence of iron. For this reason we love the strict, Many-watered, and dark city, And we love the parting, And brief meetings' hour.
5. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Yellow and fresh are the lanterns, Black is the road of the garden at sea. I am very calm. Only please, do not Talk about him with me. You're tender and loyal, we'll be friends.. Have fun, kiss, together grow old.. And light months above us will fly like feathers, Like stars made of snow and as cold.
6. May Snow
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Upon fresh ground falls and melts At once unnoticed a thin film. The harsh and chilly spring The ripened buds does kill. Sight of early death is so horrid That I can't look at God's creation, and am riven With sadness, to which king David Millenia of life has given.
7. * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven The clouds are roughly pasted, almost dark. The leaves of only oak within the park Are still colorless and thin. The rays of dusk are burning until midnight. How nice it is inside my cramped abode! Today with me converse many-a-bird About the most tender, in delight. I'm happy. But the way, Forest and smooth, is to me most dear, The crippled bridge, curved a bit here, And that remain only several days.
8. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: How spacious are these squares, How resonant bridges and stark! Heavy, peaceful, and starless Is the covering of the dark. And we walk on the fresh snow As if we were mortal people. That we are together this hour Unseparable - is it not a miracle? The knees go unwittingly weaker It seems there's no air - so long! You are my life's only blessing, You are the sun of my song. Now the dark buildings are stirring And I'll fall on earth as they shake - Inside of my village garden I do not fear to awake.