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Cлово "GLORY"

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1. Unification
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2. Михайлова Галина: "Миф о поэте" Анны Ахматовой в западноевропейском литературном контексте: интертекстуальный анализ
Входимость: 1. Размер: 86кб.
3. * * * (We noiselessly walked through the house)
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4. * * * (No, my prince, I am not the one)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
5. Prayer
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6. * * * (This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst)
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7. * * * (True love's memory, You are heavy!)
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8. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
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9. * * * (The early chills are most pleasant to me)
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1. Unification
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Часть текста: I'll leave your quiet yard and your white house - Let life be empty and with light complete. I'll sing the glory to you in my verse Like not one woman has sung glory yet. And that dear girlfriend you remember In heaven you created for her sight, I'm trading product that is very rare - I sell your tenderness and loving light.
2. Михайлова Галина: "Миф о поэте" Анны Ахматовой в западноевропейском литературном контексте: интертекстуальный анализ
Входимость: 1. Размер: 86кб.
Часть текста: дуба, Вековой собеседник луны. Не обманут притворные стоны, Ты железные пишешь законы, Хаммураби, ликурги, солоны У тебя поучиться должны. Существо это странного нрава. Он не ждет, чтоб подагра и слава Впопыхах усадили его В юбилейные пышные кресла, А несет по цветущему вереску, По пустыням свое торжество. И ни в чем не повинен: ни в этом, Ни в другом и ни в третьем... Поэтам Вообще не пристали грехи. Проплясать пред Ковчегом Завета Или сгинуть!.. Да что там! Про это Лучше их рассказали стихи3 Текст семантически многомерен, не раз подвергался интерпретациям, и дальнейшие суждения не претендуют на исчерпывающее (если таковое вообще возможно) его истолкование. Я предлагаю обратиться к "западным корням" отрывка, а именно к поэзии (и отчасти к прозе) англичанина Роберта Браунинга и француза Теофиля Готье. Обозначим метаописание анализируемого текста цифрой I и нечто из его "генетического досье" - строфу, не вошедшую в поэму, - цифрой II. I. "Работа над ней (поэмой. - Г. М.) ... напоминала проявление пластинки. Там уже все были. Демон всегда был Блоком, Верстовой Столб4 - Поэтом вообще, Поэтом с большой буквы (чем-то вроде Маяковского)..."5. II. "Не кружился в Европах бальных, / Рисовал оленей наскальных, / Гильгамеш ты, Геракл, Гесер - / Не поэт, а миф о поэте, / Взрослым был ты уже на рассвете / Отдаленнейших стран и вер"6. Процитированное - свидетельство авторской воли: Ахматова создала некий обобщенный образ Поэта. Исходя из этого и в соответствии с указанным выше способом конструирования текста ("криптограмматическое" письмо),...
3. * * * (We noiselessly walked through the house)
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Часть текста: We noiselessly walked through the house, Not waiting for anything. They showed me way to the sick man, And I did not recognize him. He said, "Now let God have the glory" And became more thoughtful and blue. "It's long time that I hit the road, I've only been waiting for you. So you bother me in my fever, I keep those words from you. Tell me: can you not forgive me?" And I said, "I can do." It seemed, that the walls were shining From floor to the ceiling that day. Upon the silken blanket A withered arm lay. And the thrown-over predatory profile Became horribly heavy and stark, And one could not hear the breathing Through the bitten-up lips turned dark. But suddenly the last bit of strength Came alive in the eyes of blue: "It is good that you released me, Not always kind were you." And then the face became younger, And I recognized him once more. And then I said, "Holy Father, Accept a slave of yours."
4. * * * (No, my prince, I am not the one)
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Часть текста: No, my prince, I am not the one On whom you'd rather lay your eyes, And for long these lips of mine Do not kiss, but prophesize. Do not think I'm in delirium Or with boredom I do whine Loudly I speak of pain: It's the very trade of mine. And I know how to teach, That the unexpected happened, How to tame for centuries Her, whose love is so rapid. You want glory? Ask from me For advice for this your plight, Only it is but a trap, There's no joy here and no light. Well, go home, and forget This our meeting, I implore, And for your sin, my dear one, I'll respond before the Lord.
5. Prayer
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Часть текста: Give me bitter years in malady Breathlessness, sleeplessness, fever, Both a friend and a child and mysterious Gift take away forever - Thus I pray after your liturgy After many exhausting days, That the cloud over dark Russia Become cloud in the glory of rays.
6. * * * (This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst)
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Часть текста: This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst Of singing with a sweet libation!" But to the earthling of the earth There can be no liberation. Like smoke from sacrifice, that it could not Fly Strength- and Glory-ward - alas - But only clouded at the feet And, as if praying, kissed the grass. Thus I, O Lord, before thee bow: Will reach the fire of the sky My lashes that are closed for now And muteness utter and divine?
7. * * * (True love's memory, You are heavy!)
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Часть текста: True love's memory, You are heavy! In your smoke I sing and burn, And the rest - is only fire To keep the chilled soul warm. To keep warm the sated body, They need my tears for this Did I for this sing your song, God? Did I take part of love for this? Let me drink of such a poison, That I would be deaf and dumb, And my unglorious glory Wash away to the final crumb.
8. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
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Часть текста: Somewhere is light and happy, in elation, Transparent, warm and simple life there is. A man across the fence has conversation With girl before the evening, and the bees Hear only the tenderest of conversation. And we are living pompously and hard And follow bitter rituals like sun When, flight past us, the unreasoned wind Interrupts speech that's barely begun. But not for anything will we change the pompous Granite city of glory, pain and lies, The glistening wide rivers' ice Sunless and murky gardens, and the voice, Though barely audible, of the Muse.
9. * * * (The early chills are most pleasant to me)
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Часть текста: The early chills are most pleasant to me. Torment releases me when I come there. Mysterious, dark places of habitation - Are storehouses of labor and prayer. The calm and confident loving I can't surmount in this side of mine: A drop of Novgorod blood inside me Is like a piece of ice in foamy wine. And this can not in any way be corrected, She has not been melted by great heat, And what ever I began to glory - You, quiet one, shine before me yet.