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Cлово "JUST"

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1. * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days)
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2. * * * (The first ray - as the blessing of the Lord)
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3. * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see)
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4. * * * (She came up. I did not show my worry)
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5. White Flock
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6. Стихотворения
Входимость: 1. Размер: 44кб.
7. * * * (Just like a cold noreaster)
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8. * * * (City vanished, the last house's window)
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1. * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days)
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Часть текста: Before the spring arrives there are such days: Under the thick snow cover rests the lawn, The dry-and-jolly trees are making noise, Tender and strong, the wind is warm. And body is amazed at its own lightness, And your own home is alien to you, And song that had just previously been tiring With worry you are singing just like new.
2. * * * (The first ray - as the blessing of the Lord)
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Часть текста: The first ray - as the blessing of the Lord - Across the face of the beloved did creep, Who, sleeping, went a little pale, And then again more tightly went to sleep. It seemed that warmth of ray of sun Appeared to him just like a kiss... And long with these my lips I have not touched The tan strong shoulder or the dear lips. And now, the deceased spirits in my long Disconsolate wandering along the way, I am now flying toward him as a song And I caress him with a morning ray.
3. * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see)
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Часть текста: Bow of moon I see, I see Through dense canopy of groves, Level sound I hear, I hear Of the free horse's hooves. What? And you don't want to sleep, In a year could you forget Me, nor are you used to find Empty and unmade your bed? Not with you then do I speak Through sharp cries of hunting birds, Not in your eyes do I look From white pages full of words? Why you circle, like a thief At the quiet habitat? Or recall the verdict and Wait for me alive like that? I'm asleep. In dense dark, moon Threw a blade just like a dart. There is knocking. In this way Beats my warm and precious heart.
4. * * * (She came up. I did not show my worry)
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Часть текста: She came up. I did not show my worry, Calmly looking outside the windows. She sat down, like ceramic idol In a long-ago-chosen pose. To be happy - is well-accustomed, But attentive - is harder just might. Or the dark shadow has been overpowered After many a jasmine March night? Tiring din of the conversations, Yellow chandelier's lifeless light And the glimmer of crafty gadgets Underneath the arm raised and light. My companion looks at her with hope And to her flashes a smile.. O my happy and wealthy heir, Read from my will.
5. White Flock
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Часть текста: of June 19, 1914 July 1914 May Snow Parting Prayer Sleep Song about Song To my dear one Unification Village of the Tsar Statue White House * * * (Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house) * * * (All has been taken: strength as well as love) * * * (All promised him to me) * * * (All year long you are close to me) * * * (Ancient city is as if dead) * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days) * * * (Best for me loudly the gaming-poems to say) * * * (Black road wove ahead of me) * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see) * * * (City vanished, the last house's window) * * * (Did for this, and for this only) * * * (Did not scold me, did not praise me) * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us) * * * (Every evening I receive) * * * (From memory of you I will remove that day) * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers) * * * (Has my fate really been so altered) * * * (He walked over fields and over village) * * * (He was jealous, fearful and tender) * * * (How can you look at Nieva) * * * (How I love, how I loved to stare) * * * (How often did I curse) * * * (How spacious are these squares) * * * (I came over to the pine forest) * * * (I do not count mortal days) * * * (I dream less of him, dear God be gloried) * * * (I have ceased and desisted from smiling) * * * (I have visions of hilly Pavlovsk) * * * (I know, that you are my reward) * * * (I myself have freely chosen) * * * (I remember you only rarely) * * * (I see capital through the flurry) * * * (I was born not late and not early) * * * (I will lead a man to dear one) * * * (I will quietly in the churchyard) * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven) * * * (In boat or in horsecart) * * * (In...
6. Стихотворения
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Часть текста: Венеция Вере Ивановой-Шварсалон Вечерняя комната Вечером Вместо посвящения Во сне Воронеж Воспоминание Вроде монолога Встреча Вступление к Ташкентской поэме Гибель Голос памяти Гости Гость Данте Два отрывка из сказки "О черном кольце" Двустишие (От других мне хвала - что зола) Дорожная песенка Другая песенка Заклинание Заре Застольная песенка Ива Из книги бытия Из поэмы "1913 год" Измена Имя Исповедь Июль 1914 К смерти К стихам Кавказское Клеопатра Колыбельная Конец Демона Кукушка Ленинград в марте 1941 Ленинградские элегии. Пятая Ленинградские элегии. Четвертая Летний сад Лишняя песенка Любовная песенка Любовь Майский снег Мартовская элегия Маскарад в парке Мелхола Милому Моему городу Молитва Мужество Муза Музе Музыка На Смоленском Над водой Надпись на книге Надпись на неоконченном портрете Надпись на портрете Нас четверо (Комаровские наброски) Наследница Наяву Новогодняя баллада Ночью О. Мандельштаму Обман Он любил Освобожденная Ответ (Какие странные слова) Отрывок Отрывок из поэмы (В то время я гостила на земле) Памяти 19 июля 1914 Памяти Александра Блока Памяти Анты Памяти Бориса Пильняка Памяти друга Памяти М.А. Булгакова Памяти М.М.З. Памяти Н.В.Н. Памяти Н.П. Первое...
7. * * * (Just like a cold noreaster)
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Часть текста: Just like a cold noreaster At first she'll sting, And then a single salty tear The heart will wring. The evil heart will pity Something and then regret. But this light-headed sadness It will not forget. I only sow. To harvest. Others will come. And yes! The lovely group of harvesters May true God bless. And that more perfectly I could Give to you gratitude, Allow me to give the world Love incorruptible.
8. * * * (City vanished, the last house's window)
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Часть текста: City vanished, the last house's window Stared like one living and stark... This place is totally unfamiliar, Smells of burning, and field is dark. But when the curtain of thunder Moon had cut, indecisive and wan, We could see: On the hill, to the forest, Hobbled a handicapped man. It was frightening, that he's overcoming The three horses, sated and glad, He stood up and then again waddled Under his heavy load. We had almost failed to notice him Before the nomad-tent taking his place. Just like stars the blue eyes were shining, Lighting the tormented face. And I proffered to him the child, Raising arms with the trace of a chain He pronounced with joy and with ringing: "May your son live and healthy remain."