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Cлово "RAIN"

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1. July 1914
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2. * * * (Black road wove ahead of me)
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3. Тименчик Р.: Храм премудрости Бога: стихотворение Анны Ахматовой "Широко распахнуты ворота... "
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4. * * * (On the blooming lilac bushes)
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5. * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers)
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6. * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker)
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1. July 1914
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Часть текста: I Smells like burning. For four weeks now The dry ground on the swamplands bakes. Today even birds did not sing songs And the aspen-tree does not shake. Sun has stopped in divine displeasure Easter rain did not pelt fields hard. A one-legged passerby came here And alone said in the yard: "Awful times near. For freshly dug graves There will be not be enough place soon. Expect pest, expect plague, expect coward, And eclipses of Sun and Moon. But the enemy won't get to divide Our lands for his fun: Holy Mary will spread on her own Over great sorrows a white gown" II From the burning forests is flying Sweet smell of the evergreens. Over children soldiers' wives are moaning Cry of widows through village rings. Not in vain were the prayers rendered, The earth was thirsty for rain: The stomped-over fields with red dampness Were covered and covered remain. Low, low is the empty heaven, And quiet is the praying one's voice: "They will wound your most holy body And cast dice about your acts of choice."
2. * * * (Black road wove ahead of me)
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Часть текста: Black road wove ahead of me, Drizzling rain fell, To accompany me Someone asked for a spell. I agreed, but I forgot To see him in light of day, And then it was strange To remember the way. Like incense of thousand censers Flowed the fog And the companion bothered The heart with a song. Ancient gates I remember And the end of the way - There the man who went with me "Forgive," did say. He gave me a copper cross Like my brother very own And everywhere I hear the sound Of the steppe song. Here I am at home like home - I cry and I am in rue Answer to me, my stranger, I am looking for you!
3. Тименчик Р.: Храм премудрости Бога: стихотворение Анны Ахматовой "Широко распахнуты ворота... "
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Часть текста: стихотворениях. Получив тему собора в наследство от символизма, а вместе с темой и "символистские" обертоны, Гумилев и Мандельштам воспели христианские храмы: Падуанский собор, средневековый храм, где "в ночи работали масоны", блеск мозаики в венецианском соборе, евангелическую церковь, Казанский, Исаакиевский и пятиглавые московские соборы, Нотр-Дам и Айя-Софию. "Айя-София" вошло в специальную подборку собственно акмеистических стихотворений в "Аполлоне" (1913, № 3; отметим, кстати, в этой подборке и стих. Нарбута "Как быстро высыхают крыши...", где тема храма преломлена в особой, нарбутовской поэтике "богохульства"). С началом войны мандельштамовское стихотворение по неизбежности приобрело патриотическое звучание, актуализировались его славянофильские подтексты, на первый план выступила тютчевская тема: И своды древния Софии В возобновленной Византии Вновь осенят Христов алтарь! В первый год войны было сочинено немало новых стихотворений на этот предмет - "У Босфора" Сологуба 1 , "Босфор" Кузмина, "Царьград" Скалдина, "Царьград" Городецкого ("Святой Премудрости собор / Давно пленил славянский взор...") и мн. др. На публичных выступлениях 1915 года, в которых он почти всегда участвовал наряду с Ахматовой, Мандельштам неизменно читал "Айя-София". В этот год идеи Владимира Соловьева и других русских религиозных мыслителей о Софии как мире первообразов, положенных Богом в основу творения, Софии как восстановлении поврежденной целости человечества и всей твари, Софии...
4. * * * (On the blooming lilac bushes)
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Часть текста: On the blooming lilac bushes Sky is sowing the light rain. Beats with wings upon the window The white, the white Spirits' day. For a friend to be returning From the sea - especial hour. I am dreaming of the far shore, Of the stone, sand and tower. I will enter, meeting light, On the top of one of these towers. In the land of swamps and fields There are in memory no towers. Only I will sit on the porch, There, where dense shadows lay. Help me in my fright, at last, The white, the white Spirits' day.
5. * * * (God is unkind to gardeners and reapers)
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Часть текста: God is unkind to gardeners and reapers. Slanted rain coils and falls from up high And the wide raincoats catch water, That once had reflected the sky. In underwater realm are fields and meadows And the free currents sing a lot, Plums rupture on bloated branches And grass strands, lying down, rot. And through the dense and watery net I see your darling face, A quiet park, a round porch And a Chinese arbour-place.
6. * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker)
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Часть текста: My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker. It has become still better without love, The sky is tall, the mountain wind is blowing My thoughts are sinless to true God above. The sleeplessness has gone to other places, I do not on grey ashes count my sorrow, And the skewed arrow of the clock face Does not look to me like a deadly arrow. How past over the heart is losing power! Freedom is near. I will forgive all yet, Watching, as ray of sun runs up and down The springtime vine that with spring rain is wet.