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Cлово "ROOM"

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1. * * * (I will lead a man to dear one)
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2. Павел Николаевич Лукницкий. Acumiana. Встречи с Анной Ахматовой. Том 2. Часть 9.
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3. * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful)
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4. * * * (I myself have freely chosen)
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5. * * * (Where is your gypsy boy, tall one)
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6. Song about Song
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7. * * * (I was born not late and not early)
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1. * * * (I will lead a man to dear one)
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Часть текста: I will lead a man to dear one - I don't want the little joy - And I'll quietly lay to sleep The glad, tired little boy. In a chilly room once more I will pray to Mother of God, It is hard to be a hermit, To be happy is also hard. Only fiery sleep will come to me, I'll enter a temple on the hill, Five-domed, white, and stone-hewn, On the paths remembered well.
2. Павел Николаевич Лукницкий. Acumiana. Встречи с Анной Ахматовой. Том 2. Часть 9.
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Часть текста: и пр. Из "Рая" читала только две-три главы. "Ад" и "Чистилище" знает хорошо - читала не меньше четырех-пяти раз. Ирина разбудила АА рано. Днем АА ходила к Шилейко в Мраморный дворец, читали Данта и говорили о нем. Вернулась в Шереметевский дом, обедала, в 4 1/2 легла отдыхать, заснула и спала до семи часов вечера. Пунины спали тоже. В семь пришел я и был в Шереметевском доме до 8 1/2 часов - пили чай, все - в столовой, а я принес себе и АА чай в кабинет, она пила лежа. В 8 1/2 АА пошла к Срезневским, надев фуфайку и макинтош Пунина (шубу отдала в починку). Я проводил ее. У Срезневских была не очень долго. Потом, вернувшись домой, занималась - больше часу - с Пуниным французским языком. 15.10.1927 Показывала в Мраморном дворце Шилейко "Звезду" No 8. О стихотворении Вагинова он отозвался так: "Чувствуется урод". Это совпало с высказанным раньше мною мнением (с ним вполне согласилась АА), что стихотворение это (да и большинство других вагиновских) вызывает неприятное чувство и неодолимую антипатию. Правда, раз это так, это значит, что индивидуальность в стихотворениях Вагинова есть... Но на таких отрицательных моментах строили свою индивидуальность многие поэты, и все же оставались очень незначительными величинами. АА привела в пример...
3. * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful)
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Часть текста: My shadow has remained there and is angstful, In that blue room she still to this day lives, She waits for guests from city beyond midnight And to enamel image gives a kiss. And things are not quite well around the house: It still is dark, although they lit the flame.. Not from all this the hostess is in boredom, Not from all this the host drinks all the same And hears how on the other side of the thin wall The guest arrived talks to me at all?
4. * * * (I myself have freely chosen)
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Часть текста: I myself have freely chosen Fate of the friend of my heart: To the freedom under gospel I allowed him to depart. And the pigeon came back, beating On the window with all might Like from shine of divine restments, In the room it became light.
5. * * * (Where is your gypsy boy, tall one)
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Часть текста: "Where is your gypsy boy, tall one, That over black kerchief did weep, Where is your small first child What memory of him do you keep?" "Mother's role is a sweet torture, I was not worthy of it. The gate dissolved into white heaven, Magdalene took the kid. "Each day for me is happy and jolly, I got lost in a too-long spring, Only arms pine away for a burden Only his cries in my sleep ring. "The heart will be restless and weary And no memory cross my mind, I still wander in rooms dark and bleary And his crib still attempt to find."
6. Song about Song
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Часть текста: So many stones have been thrown at me That I don't fear them any longer Like elegant tower the westerner stands free Among tall towers, the taller. I'm grateful to their builders - so be gone Their sadness and their worry, go away, Early from here I can see the dawn And here triumphant lives the sun's last ray. And frequently into my room's window The winds from northern seas begin to blow And pigeon from my palms eats wheat.. The pages that I did not complete Divinely light she is and calm, Will finish Muse's suntanned arm.
7. * * * (I was born not late and not early)
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Часть текста: I was born not late and not early, This time is blessed and meet, Only God did not allow a heart To live long without deceit. And from this it is dark in the light room, And from this do the friends I've sought, Like the sorrowful birds of evening, Sing of love that was not.