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1. Village of the Tsar Statue
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2. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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3. * * * (City vanished, the last house's window)
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4. * * * (We noiselessly walked through the house)
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5. Тименчик Р.: Храм премудрости Бога: стихотворение Анны Ахматовой "Широко распахнуты ворота... "
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1. Village of the Tsar Statue
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Часть текста: Upon the swan pond maple leaves Are gathered already, you see, And bloodied are the branches dark Of slowly blooming quicken-tree. Blindingly elegant is she, Crossing her legs that don't feel cold Upon the northern stone sits she And calmly looks upon the road. I felt the gloomy, dusky fear Before this woman of delight As on her shoulders played alone The rays of miserable light. And how could I forgive her yet Your shining praise by love deluded Look, she is happily in sorrow, And in such elegance denuded.
2. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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Часть текста: He walked over fields and over village, And asked people from afar: "Where is she, where is the happy glimmer Of her eyes that are gray stars? Here the final days of spring Come along, in turbid fire. Still more frequent, still more tender Are the dreams I have of her." And he came in the dark city In the quiet evening time He was thinking then of Venice And of London all the same. At the church both tall and dark Stepped on shining stairs' granite And he prayed then of the coming Meeting with his first delight. And above the altar made of gold Flamed away the garden of God's rays: "Here she is, here is the happy glimmer Of gray joyous stars that are her eyes."
3. * * * (City vanished, the last house's window)
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Часть текста: City vanished, the last house's window Stared like one living and stark... This place is totally unfamiliar, Smells of burning, and field is dark. But when the curtain of thunder Moon had cut, indecisive and wan, We could see: On the hill, to the forest, Hobbled a handicapped man. It was frightening, that he's overcoming The three horses, sated and glad, He stood up and then again waddled Under his heavy load. We had almost failed to notice him Before the nomad-tent taking his place. Just like stars the blue eyes were shining, Lighting the tormented face. And I proffered to him the child, Raising arms with the trace of a chain He pronounced with joy and with ringing: "May your son live and healthy remain."
4. * * * (We noiselessly walked through the house)
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Часть текста: We noiselessly walked through the house, Not waiting for anything. They showed me way to the sick man, And I did not recognize him. He said, "Now let God have the glory" And became more thoughtful and blue. "It's long time that I hit the road, I've only been waiting for you. So you bother me in my fever, I keep those words from you. Tell me: can you not forgive me?" And I said, "I can do." It seemed, that the walls were shining From floor to the ceiling that day. Upon the silken blanket A withered arm lay. And the thrown-over predatory profile Became horribly heavy and stark, And one could not hear the breathing Through the bitten-up lips turned dark. But suddenly the last bit of strength Came alive in the eyes of blue: "It is good that you released me, Not always kind were you." And then the face became younger, And I recognized him once more. And then I said, "Holy Father, Accept a slave of yours."
5. Тименчик Р.: Храм премудрости Бога: стихотворение Анны Ахматовой "Широко распахнуты ворота... "
Входимость: 1. Размер: 66кб.
Часть текста: об акмеизме останавливались на "архитектурных" стихотворениях. Получив тему собора в наследство от символизма, а вместе с темой и "символистские" обертоны, Гумилев и Мандельштам воспели христианские храмы: Падуанский собор, средневековый храм, где "в ночи работали масоны", блеск мозаики в венецианском соборе, евангелическую церковь, Казанский, Исаакиевский и пятиглавые московские соборы, Нотр-Дам и Айя-Софию. "Айя-София" вошло в специальную подборку собственно акмеистических стихотворений в "Аполлоне" (1913, № 3; отметим, кстати, в этой подборке и стих. Нарбута "Как быстро высыхают крыши...", где тема храма преломлена в особой, нарбутовской поэтике "богохульства"). С началом войны мандельштамовское стихотворение по неизбежности приобрело патриотическое звучание, актуализировались его славянофильские подтексты, на первый план выступила тютчевская тема: И своды древния Софии В возобновленной Византии Вновь осенят Христов алтарь! В первый год войны было сочинено немало новых стихотворений на этот предмет - "У Босфора" Сологуба 1 , "Босфор" Кузмина, "Царьград" Скалдина, "Царьград" Городецкого ("Святой Премудрости собор / Давно пленил славянский взор...") и мн. др. На публичных выступлениях 1915 года, в которых он почти всегда участвовал наряду с Ахматовой, Мандельштам неизменно читал "Айя-София". В этот год идеи Владимира Соловьева и других русских религиозных мыслителей о Софии как мире первообразов, положенных Богом в основу творения, Софии как восстановлении поврежденной целости человечества и всей твари, Софии как...