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1. * * * (This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst)
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2. * * * (To say goodbye we don't know)
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3. * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days)
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4. * * * (I came over to the pine forest)
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5. Поберезкина Полина: Анна Ахматова. Другие тринадцать строчек
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6. * * * (Transparent glass of empty sky)
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7. * * * (They're on the way, the words of love and freedom)
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1. * * * (This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst)
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Часть текста: This way I prayed: "Slake the dumb thirst Of singing with a sweet libation!" But to the earthling of the earth There can be no liberation. Like smoke from sacrifice, that it could not Fly Strength- and Glory-ward - alas - But only clouded at the feet And, as if praying, kissed the grass. Thus I, O Lord, before thee bow: Will reach the fire of the sky My lashes that are closed for now And muteness utter and divine?
2. * * * (To say goodbye we don't know)
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Часть текста: To say goodbye we don't know - It's already nearing night, We are walking shoulder to shoulder, You are pensive and I am quiet We'll walk into church, we'll witness The singing, the wedding, the cross, Not seeing each other, we'll exit.. Why are things not working for us? Or we'll sit on the pressed-down snow In a cemetery, lightly sigh, And you with your stick paint the palace Where together we'll be for all time.
3. * * * (Before the spring arrives there are such days)
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Часть текста: Before the spring arrives there are such days: Under the thick snow cover rests the lawn, The dry-and-jolly trees are making noise, Tender and strong, the wind is warm. And body is amazed at its own lightness, And your own home is alien to you, And song that had just previously been tiring With worry you are singing just like new.
4. * * * (I came over to the pine forest)
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Часть текста: I came over to the pine forest. It is hot, and the road is not short. He pushed back the door and came out Greyhaired, luminous, short. He looked at me, insolent bastard, And muttered at once, "Christ's bride! Do not envy success of the happy, A place for you there does hide. Do forget your parents' abode, Get accustomed to open heaven You will sleep on the straw and dirty, And will meet a blissful end." Truly, the priest must have heard On the way back my singing voice As I of untold happiness Marveled and rejoiced.
5. Поберезкина Полина: Анна Ахматова. Другие тринадцать строчек
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Часть текста: в переводе Валерия Брюсова: Пришли и сказали, (О, как страшно, дитя!) Пришли и сказали, Что уходит он. <…> А если он возвратится, Что должна ему я сказать? - Скажи, что я и до смерти Его продолжала ждать. "Двенадцать песен" Метерлинка в переводе Георгия Чулкова вышли в 1905 г.; "Весы" откликнулись рецензией Вячеслава Иванова2 и подробным критическим разбором Брюсова "Фиалки в тигеле"3. В том же номере журнала помещены семь песен в переводе Брюсова. Мы не знаем, был ли доступен Ахматовой в те годы французский оригинал, но за публикациями в "Весах" она следила: "Под моим влиянием кузина выписывает "Весы", в этом году они очень интересны, судя по объявлению"4. Всемирную славу Метерлинк завоевал как драматург; в этой роли - упоминанием Синей птицы - он и вошел впоследствии в круг "Поэмы без героя". 2. "Да, я любила их, те сборища ночные…" Да, я любила их, те сборища ночные, - На маленьком столе стаканы ледяные, Над черным кофеем пахучий, тонкий пар, Камина красного тяжелый, зимний жар, Веселость едкую литературной шутки И друга первый взгляд, беспомощный и жуткий. Исследователи не раз указывали5, что в стихотворном...
6. * * * (Transparent glass of empty sky)
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Часть текста: Transparent glass of empty sky The bleached-out bulky prison building And churchgoers' solemn singing Over Volkhov, growing blue with light. September wind tore leaves birch off Through branches tossed and screamed with hate And city recollects its fate: Here ruled Martha and Arackcheyev.
7. * * * (They're on the way, the words of love and freedom)
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Часть текста: They're on the way, the words of love and freedom, They're flying faster than the moment flies And I am in stage fright before singing - My lips have grown colder than ice. But soon that place, where, leaning to the windows The tender birches make dry rustling sound, The voices will be ringing of the shadows And roses will in blackened wreaths be wound. And further onward still - the light is generous Unbearably as though ‘t were red hot wine.. And now the wind, all redolent and heated, In perfect vigor has enflamed my mind.