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Cлово "ABOVE"

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
1. * * * (The muse has left along narrow)
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2. Найман Анатолий: Рассказы о Анне Ахматовой (Воспоминания). Страница 5
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3. * * * (This city by the fearsome river)
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4. * * * (I know, that you are my reward)
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5. * * * (Yes, I had loved them, those meetings of the nights)
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6. * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker)
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7. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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8. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
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1. * * * (The muse has left along narrow)
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Часть текста: The muse has left along narrow And winding street, And with large drops of dew Were sprinkled her feet. For long did I ask of her To wait for winter with me, But she said, "The grave is here, How can you breathe, you see?" I wanted to give her a dove That is whiter than all the rest But the bird herself flew above After my graceful guest. Looking at her I was silent, I loved her alone And like gates into her country In the sky stood the dawn.
2. Найман Анатолий: Рассказы о Анне Ахматовой (Воспоминания). Страница 5
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Часть текста: вспоминается постольку, поскольку он в ней содержится, ее составляет. Иначе говоря, поэзия и есть память о по-эте, не его собственная о нем, а всякая о всяком, - но чтобы стать таковой, ей необходимо быть усвоенной еще одним поэтом, все равно - "в поколенье" или "в потомстве". Усваивается же она им уже "на уровне" чтения, "в процессе" чтения. При чтении читателем-непоэтом поэт тоже остается "славным", но эта слава совсем иного качества: непоэт - только приемник, поглотитель поэтической энергии, в него уходит творческий посыл поэта, на нем кончается. Ахматова в заметках на полях пушкинских стихов пишет об "остатках французской рифмы": распространенная рифма rivage (берег) - sauvage (дикий) превращается у Пушкина в устойчивую формулу "дикий брег". Так вот, разница между этими двумя славами (у читателя-непоэта и у читателя-поэта) подобна разнице между услаждающим слух французским созвучием и самостоятельным образом. Непоэт благодарен читаемому им автору, умиляется, называет его "мой"; поэт пускает его в дело. Именно в дело, а не на украшения: одну из колонн можно взять в готовом виде, из привезенных с раскопок, из валяющихся среди руин, из лишних у соседа - что и делалось всегда и делается на стройке, но она должна быть несущей, а не декоративной. Читатель-непоэт декорирует свою речь лепниной стихов: "Иных уж нет, а те далече, как Сади некогда сказал", - дает Пушкин пример такого усвоения-присвоения поэзии. "Дикий...
3. * * * (This city by the fearsome river)
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Часть текста: This city by the fearsome river Was my crib blessed and dear And a solemn wedding bed Which the garlands for the head Your young cherubs held above - A city loved with bitter love. The subject of my prayers Were you, moody, calm, and austere. There first the groom came to me Having shown me the pathway holy, And that sad muse of mine Led me like one blind.
4. * * * (I know, that you are my reward)
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Часть текста: I know, that you are my reward For years of labor and of pain, For that unto the earthly pleasures I never did myself betray, For that I never ever told Unto my loved one, "You are loved." For that I did forgive all people You'll be my angel from above.
5. * * * (Yes, I had loved them, those meetings of the nights)
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Часть текста: Yes, I had loved them, those meetings of the nights - Upon small table a glass filled with ice, Above black coffee thick and smelly steam, From the red heater heavy winter heat, The stinging mirth of literary parable And first look of the friend, helpless and terrible.
6. * * * (My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker)
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Часть текста: My voice is weak, but will does not get weaker. It has become still better without love, The sky is tall, the mountain wind is blowing My thoughts are sinless to true God above. The sleeplessness has gone to other places, I do not on grey ashes count my sorrow, And the skewed arrow of the clock face Does not look to me like a deadly arrow. How past over the heart is losing power! Freedom is near. I will forgive all yet, Watching, as ray of sun runs up and down The springtime vine that with spring rain is wet.
7. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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Часть текста: He walked over fields and over village, And asked people from afar: "Where is she, where is the happy glimmer Of her eyes that are gray stars? Here the final days of spring Come along, in turbid fire. Still more frequent, still more tender Are the dreams I have of her." And he came in the dark city In the quiet evening time He was thinking then of Venice And of London all the same. At the church both tall and dark Stepped on shining stairs' granite And he prayed then of the coming Meeting with his first delight. And above the altar made of gold Flamed away the garden of God's rays: "Here she is, here is the happy glimmer Of gray joyous stars that are her eyes."
8. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
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Часть текста: Yellow and fresh are the lanterns, Black is the road of the garden at sea. I am very calm. Only please, do not Talk about him with me. You're tender and loyal, we'll be friends.. Have fun, kiss, together grow old.. And light months above us will fly like feathers, Like stars made of snow and as cold.