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Cлово "DARK"

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
1. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
2. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
3. Escape
Входимость: 2. Размер: 3кб.
4. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
5. * * * (The early chills are most pleasant to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
6. * * * (All year long you are close to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
7. * * * (She came up. I did not show my worry)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
8. * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
9. * * * (All promised him to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
10. Каратеева Т.: "Where past and future are gathered…". "Поэма без героя" Ахматовой и "Четыре квартета" Элиота
Входимость: 1. Размер: 24кб.
11. Prayer
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
12. * * * (All has been taken: strength as well as love)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
13. * * * (Bow of moon I see, I see)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
14. * * * (Not thus, from cursed lightness having disembarked)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
15. * * * (Immortelle's dry and pink. On the fresh heaven)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
16. * * * (We noiselessly walked through the house)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
17. * * * (City vanished, the last house's window)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
18. * * * (Ancient city is as if dead)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
19. * * * (I was born not late and not early)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
20. Михайлова Галина: "Миф о поэте" Анны Ахматовой в западноевропейском литературном контексте: интертекстуальный анализ
Входимость: 1. Размер: 86кб.
21. * * * (In the sleep to me is given)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
22. * * * (Where is your gypsy boy, tall one)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
23. Sleep
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
24. Village of the Tsar Statue
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: How spacious are these squares, How resonant bridges and stark! Heavy, peaceful, and starless Is the covering of the dark. And we walk on the fresh snow As if we were mortal people. That we are together this hour Unseparable - is it not a miracle? The knees go unwittingly weaker It seems there's no air - so long! You are my life's only blessing, You are the sun of my song. Now the dark buildings are stirring And I'll fall on earth as they shake - Inside of my village garden I do not fear to awake.
2. * * * (Divine angel, who betrothed us)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: Divine angel, who betrothed us Secretly on winter morn, From our sadness-free existence Does not take his darkened eyes. For this reason we love sky, And fresh wind, and air so thin, And the dark tree branches Behind fence of iron. For this reason we love the strict, Many-watered, and dark city, And we love the parting, And brief meetings' hour.
3. Escape
Входимость: 2. Размер: 3кб.
Часть текста: "My dear, if we could only Reach all the way to the seas" "Be quiet" and descended the stairs Losing breath and looking for keys. Past the buildings, where sometime We danced and had fun and drank wine Past the white columns of Senate Where it's dark, dark again. "What are you doing, you madman!" "No, I am only in love with thee! This evening is wide and noisy, Ship will have lots of fun at the sea!" Horror tightly clutches the throat, Shuttle took us at dusk on our turn.. The tough smell of ocean tightrope Inside trembling nostrils did burn. "Say, you most probably know: I don't sleep? Thus in sleep it can be" Only oars splashed in measured manner Over Nieva's waves heavy. And the black sky began to get lighter, Someone called from the bridge to us, As with both hands I was clutching On my chest the rim of the cross. On your arms, as I lost all my power, Like a little girl you carried me, That on deck of a yacht alabaster Incorruptible day's light we'd meet.
4. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
Входимость: 2. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: He walked over fields and over village, And asked people from afar: "Where is she, where is the happy glimmer Of her eyes that are gray stars? Here the final days of spring Come along, in turbid fire. Still more frequent, still more tender Are the dreams I have of her." And he came in the dark city In the quiet evening time He was thinking then of Venice And of London all the same. At the church both tall and dark Stepped on shining stairs' granite And he prayed then of the coming Meeting with his first delight. And above the altar made of gold Flamed away the garden of God's rays: "Here she is, here is the happy glimmer Of gray joyous stars that are her eyes."
5. * * * (The early chills are most pleasant to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: The early chills are most pleasant to me. Torment releases me when I come there. Mysterious, dark places of habitation - Are storehouses of labor and prayer. The calm and confident loving I can't surmount in this side of mine: A drop of Novgorod blood inside me Is like a piece of ice in foamy wine. And this can not in any way be corrected, She has not been melted by great heat, And what ever I began to glory - You, quiet one, shine before me yet.
6. * * * (All year long you are close to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: All year long you are close to me And, like formerly, happy and young! Aren't you tortured already By the traumatized strings' dark song? Those now only lightly moan That once, taut, loudly rang And aimlessly they are torn By my dry, waxen hand. Little is necessary to make happy One who is tender and loving yet, The young forehead is not touched yet By jealousy, rage or regret. He is quiet, does not ask to be tender, Only stares and stares at me And with blissful smile does he bear My oblivion's dreadful insanity.
7. * * * (She came up. I did not show my worry)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: She came up. I did not show my worry, Calmly looking outside the windows. She sat down, like ceramic idol In a long-ago-chosen pose. To be happy - is well-accustomed, But attentive - is harder just might. Or the dark shadow has been overpowered After many a jasmine March night? Tiring din of the conversations, Yellow chandelier's lifeless light And the glimmer of crafty gadgets Underneath the arm raised and light. My companion looks at her with hope And to her flashes a smile.. O my happy and wealthy heir, Read from my will.
8. * * * (My shadow has remained there and is angstful)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: My shadow has remained there and is angstful, In that blue room she still to this day lives, She waits for guests from city beyond midnight And to enamel image gives a kiss. And things are not quite well around the house: It still is dark, although they lit the flame.. Not from all this the hostess is in boredom, Not from all this the host drinks all the same And hears how on the other side of the thin wall The guest arrived talks to me at all?
9. * * * (All promised him to me)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
Часть текста: All promised him to me: The heaven's edge, dark and kind, And lovely Christmas sleep And multi-ringing Easter wind, And the red branches of a twig, And waterfalls inside a park, And two dragonflies On rusty iron of a bulwark. And I could not disbelieve, That he'll befriend me all alone When on the mountain slopes I went Along hot pathway made of stone.
10. Каратеева Т.: "Where past and future are gathered…". "Поэма без героя" Ахматовой и "Четыре квартета" Элиота
Входимость: 1. Размер: 24кб.
Часть текста: Ахматовой и "Четыре квартета" Элиота Поэма Томаса Стернза Элиота "Четыре квартета" была начата в 1934 году. Часть, которой было суждено стать первой - "Burnt Norton" - открывается знаменитым строчками - афоризмом о времени: Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, And time future contained in time past1. Спустя шесть лет Элиот вернется к поэме. И в том же 1940-м году Анна Ахматова начнет свою "Поэму без героя", которая будет сопровождать ее последующие двадцать лет. Неслучайность встречи двух поэм Ахматова подтвердит спустя двадцать лет. Завершая поэму, она вернется в год ее рождения, выбрав в качестве эпиграфа к "Решке" в последней - четвертой - редакции "Поэмы без героя" строку: In my beginning is my end2, - первую строку Второго квартета "East Coker", написанного Элиотом в том самом сороковом году. * * * Имена Элиота и Ахматовой не так уж часто упоминаются рядом, хотя повод для сближения был подсказан самой Анной Андреевной, написавшей в "Будке" в 1957...