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Cлово "GARDEN"

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1. Каратеева Т.: "Where past and future are gathered…". "Поэма без героя" Ахматовой и "Четыре квартета" Элиота
Входимость: 3. Размер: 24кб.
2. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
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3. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
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4. * * * (Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
5. * * * (That voice, with great quietude arguing)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
6. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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7. Sleep
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8. * * * (In the sleep to me is given)
Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
9. * * * (Ancient city is as if dead)
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10. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
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1. Каратеева Т.: "Where past and future are gathered…". "Поэма без героя" Ахматовой и "Четыре квартета" Элиота
Входимость: 3. Размер: 24кб.
Часть текста: сопровождать ее последующие двадцать лет. Неслучайность встречи двух поэм Ахматова подтвердит спустя двадцать лет. Завершая поэму, она вернется в год ее рождения, выбрав в качестве эпиграфа к "Решке" в последней - четвертой - редакции "Поэмы без героя" строку: In my beginning is my end2, - первую строку Второго квартета "East Coker", написанного Элиотом в том самом сороковом году. * * * Имена Элиота и Ахматовой не так уж часто упоминаются рядом, хотя повод для сближения был подсказан самой Анной Андреевной, написавшей в "Будке" в 1957 году: "Я родилась в один год с Чарли Чаплиным, "Крейцеровой сонатой" Толстого, Эйфелевой башней и, кажется, Элиотом". "Кажется" - то ли от неуверенности в верности этого утверждения, то ли специально - из желания скрыть истину (год рождения Элиота - 1888, Ахматовой - 1889), но в любом случае Ахматовой, очевидно, важно указать на это "родство": "Я родилась в один год…" Как - не без свойственного ему налета мистицизма - замечает Анатолий Найман в своих "Рассказах о Анне Ахматовой", Элиот "родился на год раньше ее и умер на год раньше". У Наймана же мы находим одно из редких упоминаний об Анне Ахматовой в связи с Т. С. Элиотом - довольно убедительный ответ на вопрос: почему именно в 60-х имя английского поэта появляется в ахматовской поэме. "Наши разговоры не раз касались Т. С. Элиота: в 60-е годы оживился интерес к нему, он стал нобелевским лауреатом. Пришло его время, короткое, сфокусированным пучком света высветившее фигуру, стали актуальны идеи, переиздавались статьи <...> Я переводил тогда (речь идет о времени вручения Ахматовой премии "Этна-Таормина". - Т. К.) главу из "Бесплодной земли", потом главу из "Четырех Квартетов". В "Четырех Квартетах" она отметила строчки: The only wisdom we can hope to acquire Is the...
2. * * * (How spacious are these squares)
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Часть текста: How spacious are these squares, How resonant bridges and stark! Heavy, peaceful, and starless Is the covering of the dark. And we walk on the fresh snow As if we were mortal people. That we are together this hour Unseparable - is it not a miracle? The knees go unwittingly weaker It seems there's no air - so long! You are my life's only blessing, You are the sun of my song. Now the dark buildings are stirring And I'll fall on earth as they shake - Inside of my village garden I do not fear to awake.
3. * * * (Somewhere is light and happy, in elation)
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Часть текста: Somewhere is light and happy, in elation, Transparent, warm and simple life there is. A man across the fence has conversation With girl before the evening, and the bees Hear only the tenderest of conversation. And we are living pompously and hard And follow bitter rituals like sun When, flight past us, the unreasoned wind Interrupts speech that's barely begun. But not for anything will we change the pompous Granite city of glory, pain and lies, The glistening wide rivers' ice Sunless and murky gardens, and the voice, Though barely audible, of the Muse.
4. * * * (Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house)
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Часть текста: Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house Not as a kid in love, but as a husband Courageous, harsh and in control. The calm before the storm is fearful to my soul. You ask me what it is that I have done of late With given unto me forever love and fate. I have betrayed you. And this to repeat - Oh, if you could one moment tire of it! The killer's sleep is haunted, dead man said, Death's angel thus awaits me at deathbed. Forgive me now. Lord teaches to forgive. In burning agony my flesh does live, And already the spirit gently sleeps, A garden I recall, tender with autumn leaves And cries of cranes, and the black fields around.. How sweet it would be with you underground!
5. * * * (That voice, with great quietude arguing)
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Часть текста: That voice, with great quietude arguing, Had a victory over her. In me still, like song or woe, Is last winter before the war. She was whiter than Smolny Cathedral More mysterious than summer garden festooned We didn't know that in parting sadness We'd be looking back soon.
6. * * * (He walked over fields and over village)
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Часть текста: He walked over fields and over village, And asked people from afar: "Where is she, where is the happy glimmer Of her eyes that are gray stars? Here the final days of spring Come along, in turbid fire. Still more frequent, still more tender Are the dreams I have of her." And he came in the dark city In the quiet evening time He was thinking then of Venice And of London all the same. At the church both tall and dark Stepped on shining stairs' granite And he prayed then of the coming Meeting with his first delight. And above the altar made of gold Flamed away the garden of God's rays: "Here she is, here is the happy glimmer Of gray joyous stars that are her eyes."
7. Sleep
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Часть текста: I know that you dreamed of me, That's why I could not sleep. The muddy light had turned blue And showed me the path to keep. You saw the queen's garden, White palace, luxurious one, And the black patterned fence Before resounding stone perron. You went, not knowing the way, And thinking, "Faster, faster! If only to find her now, Not wake before meeting her." And the janitor at the red gate Shouted at you, "Where to, alack!" The ice crackled and broke, Underfoot, water went black. "This is the lake, and inside There's an island," thus thought you. And then suddenly from the dark Appeared a fire hot-blue. Awakening, you did moan In harsh light of a nasty day, And then at once you called For me loudly by my name.
8. * * * (In the sleep to me is given)
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Часть текста: In the sleep to me is given Our last eden of stars up high City of clean water towers, Golden Bakchisarai There behind a colored fencing By the pensive water stalled Village of the Tsar's gardens With rejoicing we recalled. And the eagles of Catherine Suddenly recognized - it's that! He had flown to valley bottom From the ornate bronze-clad gate. That the song of parting heartache In the memory longer lives, The dark-bodied mother autumn Brought to me the redding leaves And she sprinkled on her soles Where we parted in the sun And from where for land of shadows You had left, my soothing one.
9. * * * (Ancient city is as if dead)
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Часть текста: Ancient city is as if dead, Strange's my coming here. Vladimir has raised a black cross Over the river. Noisy elm trees, noisy lindens In the gardens dark, Raised to God, the needle-bearing Stars' bright diamond sparks. Sacrificial and glorious Way, I am ending here, With me is but you, my equal, And my love so dear.
10. * * * (Yellow and fresh are the lanterns)
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Часть текста: Yellow and fresh are the lanterns, Black is the road of the garden at sea. I am very calm. Only please, do not Talk about him with me. You're tender and loyal, we'll be friends.. Have fun, kiss, together grow old.. And light months above us will fly like feathers, Like stars made of snow and as cold.